
Worm Farming Supplies

Worm Castings & Soils

Wildlife Houses, Feeders

Plants & Planters

Upcycled Vintage Silverware made in the USA by metal artist Sara Allmon

Worm Farm Fun Fact

Did you know?

Composting worms can eat up to their weight each day in food. When that food is our garbage, we can save landfill space and put that garbage to work in a new form--healthy soils. Worm farming is a win-win-win!!

Come See the Farm

The Proof of Vermicompost, aka Worm Castings

“Jack and his family have been fortunate to work with some high-end vineyards in Napa and Sonoma Valley. About a cup of worm castings is added to each hole as the vines are planted. According to Jack, “some vineyards were losing up to 20% of their new plantings. When they use our vermicompost, the losses are less than 1%. One vineyard used our vermicompost, and after planting 3,000 vines, they found that they didn’t lose a single vine.” Clearly a testament to the power of worms.”

From: Growing a greener world.com https://www.growingagreenerworld.com/episode112/

Let the Worms Eat Our Garbage!

"As much as 50-60% of the total wastes that are disposed into landfills are organic wastes. If these were turned into materials useful in agriculture and horticulture, there would be great savings in primary plant nutrients and metabolic energy."

Dr. Clive Edwards, Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms, Organic Wastes, and Environmental Management

Gift card

Looking for something for someone special? A gift card to our store is the perfect idea! Supporting an environmental start up company like Work Hard Worms is the best way to show the environmentally conscious person in your life that you share their passions.
